Help Protect the Yukon

As an environmental non-government organization, we rely on donations to continue advocating, educating and conducting research on Yukon environmental issues.

If your donation is more than $25, the cost of an individual membership, you will automatically become a member. Your annual membership will become active based on your donation date. Please let us know if you would like to opt out of becoming a member.

YCS is a registered Canadian charity (Charitable Org. #119307890RR0001), so all financial donations are tax-deductible. CanadaHelps facilitates our online donations.

Once your donation is made, you will automatically receive a receipt to your email from CanadaHelps. If you don’t receive a receipt, please contact us at

Other Ways
to Give

By mail

Print the YCS membership/donation form and mail it to the YCS office

By phone

Call us at 867-668-5678 and make a credit card donation

Planned giving

Interested in leaving YCS a legacy gift in your will?
Call 867-668-5678 or email


Visit us at our office at 302 Hawkins Street, Whitehorse. Office hours are 9 am to 5 pm, Monday to Friday.


Donate your recycling proceeds to YCS through our account at Raven ReCentre